Saturday, June 28, 2014

My Gaming History: PS1

This is a follow-up to my older post Gaming History: PC, so I recommend you to read it before this one for maximum comprehension.

When I was in first grade, my cousin gave his PS1 to me since he didn't want it anymore considering he'd got a PS2, it was the hot shit at the time. I was in first elementary, so of course I felt quite disappointed because I was left out of the console generation. At least I got the PS1 for free and all of his games, although some of them actually scarred me hard like Fatal Frame. My PS1 experience isn't so memorable actually, because I was still so young and I was only into kids' games, hell, I remember for sure I never finished any of my games on PS1 because I was actually too scared to fail.

Crash Bandicoot was quite memorable for pissing me off with how weak he is, getting booped in the feet by a turtle and die?! I remember being too scared of sucking so I actually never got past the first island, I didn't know I could save the game back then, and I didn't wanna remember the codes, now I know how to save the game, you need to enter a secret area by collecting 3 tokens in a level, pass the secret area's obstacles, then you can save the game, if you fail the secret area, well oops... that's bullshit.

Spider-Man, that game was my most-played, I simply love the gameplay and I was a Spider-Man fanboy. I still remember the code to unlock everything, EEL NATS, it took me years and I just noticed a few weeks ago it's just Stan Lee spelled backwards. Considering I used a cheat code to unlock the entire game, I can't say that I've finished the game, and I always used the Cosmic Spider-Man costume which grants invincibility, how cheap of me...

Now I keep thinking that I missed out on a lot of stuff, I didn't play the sequels to Crash Bandicoot, I never heard of Metal Gear Solid at the time, looking at how complicated the story is I doubt I would even get anywhere and since my mother language isn't English, my English comprehension was still so limited at the time. Final Fantasy VII which many consider as the FF game with the best story, I didn't even know about it at all, but again, looking at my English comprehension, I never played a game for the story back then. And it didn't change much in my PS2 days either. To be continued...

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