Thursday, December 31, 2015

Viva la Video Games

I'm quite tired of seeing game of the year posts, top 5 games and all the shit along those lines.
I've only made a top 3 games back in 2013:
1. DmC
2. Bioshock Infinite
3. Metal Gear Rising

After that I just can't be arsed, games just started to get more and more meh since then. I feel like I'm starting to lose interest in trying out new games, I play the first 10 minutes or so of the game, shut it off and let it rot and gather dust for a few months before I being deleted, and while they're rotting, I return to playing some old games like DmC. Maybe it's because I love the game so much that I can't let it go for other games, "is it what true love feels like?" I ask myself as I delete Fallout 4 after spending 20 minutes making my characters. I'm doing Assassin's Creed Syndicate at the moment along with AC Brotherhood which I've put off for a few months now. Christmas/New Year break is ending soon, going back to school and it's gonna be busy. Let's hope I can somehow slip in my gaming life in the cracks within the concrete wall of exams, or I can put off that life until after graduation.
Cheery 2016!

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