Sunday, July 13, 2014

Me and FPS Games

If you somehow had the endurance to read my Bioshock Infinite review, pretty sure you saw me writing first person view makes you feel more immersed, well, it's true. That game really pushed me to try other FPS games. I've tried other FPS games.

 I tried Call of Duty: Ghosts, bored in the first 10 minutes because I just don't like the generic war plot they've been repeating since... actually I don't know, it's my first ever CoD and I've reviews about CoD always having this generic plot, so, it really left a bad impression, my somewhat trusted review on Youtube, Zero Punctuation says the game is all about muscled up white dudes with a burly white german shepherd dog in a war zone doing... well... what do you do if you're a soldier in a war zone? I was expecting a bit of stealth gameplay since the title Ghosts is about a guerrilla group but gameplay-wise it's just... gorilla group, the first thing you do is raiding the enemies with guns blazing, real stealthy! Besides, the environment is just so bleak, ruined cities, broken factories... at least Bioshock has pretty colors in their ruined cities and broken factories. I like my games rather colorful.

A friend of mine recommended Far Cry 3 to me, I tried it expecting it'd look like Tomb Raider in first person, but it's pretty much an entirely different experience, I can say the game is great, graphics look beautiful, I play it on my PC with mostly max settings, gameplay is great, I love how it's got a bit strategy in it, you can snipe them from afar, pick them off one by one with stealth takedown, making use of the environment or even the old-fashioned blazing guns is a choice, I prefer the stealthy approach though. Well, this is the game that shows me that platforming in first person is awkward, I don't feel my sense of distance as well as third person view, when I wanna jump around, I wanna be able to see my character's feet, this game feels like it has plenty of leaps of faith because when you look down you can't even look at your feet, I feel like I'm a floating upper body. The environment is beautiful, hills, valleys, and stuff like those are good for my eyes but I keep slipping off a hill because I feel like I can still stand on the edge a bit farther away, hell I don't even like Mirror's Edge, the only first person game I know that actually shows your character's feet when you look down and the game is all about parkouring on buildings, even there I still don't feel comfy with the traversal. I'm currently still thinking if I should continue Far Cry 3 or not because I sure as hell wanna pick up Far Cry 4 when it's released later this year just to get comfy with the playstyle.

The latest FPS game I tried is Wolfenstein The New Order, in fact, I wanna try to at least finish this one's story and be done with it if it's actually boring but since my somewhat trusted reviewer says it's good, might as well give a shot, I'll say I died a lot in just the first part, lost a bit of the hype because of the obnoxiously long loading screen every time I die... I suck... but I still wanna actually finish this one for once, environment seems pretty bleak as well, but the thing that got me interested is the Nazi mechs. And I'm also looking forward if I get to execute Hitler or something, I'm just curious. But the problem is pretty much like CoD, playing a white American protein junkie dude who somehow manages to squeeze a shrapnel stuck in his head from his previous raid or maybe it's still in there but somehow doesn't affect the brain permanently, even the doctor says the inside looks like scrambled eggs, whatever... I haven't gone so far but I expect his nurse who comes along because of all those ass-wiping moments he had when his brain was still... recovering from brain-dead...?? I don't really care about how this guy regains his brain functions from the shrapnel and in pretty much mere seconds suddenly starts walking and shooting after over 10 years tied into a wheelchair. Shit, I'm pretty much criticizing this game... that's why I never like games with such serious tones, they might just end up making the plot laughably dumb or if they manage to keep the serious tone going, I'll just drop it out of boredom.

One other thing in Bioshock these games don't have is the vigor mechanic. When you're out of ammo in let's say CoD, you're pretty much stuck with your melee weapon, yes, in Far Cry you can run away, hide and re-approach them stealthily, but I just never like stuff like that, when games are so realistic I just find them dull, I just don't like playing as a dude whose power is shrugging off plenty of bullet wounds and must rely on weapons for the entire game, I need more power!

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